
The Mosaic project was implemented in 2015 to combat the problem of land slippage and drainage in the surrounding communities of Bay Shore and Melbrook Heights. The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM) received the funding from the World Bank to carry the project. They contracted Kingston & St Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) to supervise the project and National Works Agency (NWA) to implement the same.

However, the resolution of their problems has resulted in life-threatening issues for residents of Harbour Drive and Southern Cross Drive in the community of Harbour View. Residents have been flooded out of their homes and are in fear of losing their entire homes as the soil beneath their homes has been eroded. Over 13 walls have collapsed.

The HVCA has had Multiple meetings with NWA, NEPA, ODPEM and KSAMC. The public defender has also facilitated mediation meetings with these entities. These meetings have proven futile at attaining a resolution.

The affected constituencies are Kingston East and Port Royal and St. Andrew East Rural as the walls which have collapsed range from Numbers 1 to 53 on Harbour Drive. The project details were presented by the Citizens' Association President at a meeting with both Members of Parliament for the area affected. The meeting was held on August 2, 2020 at 3pm with MPs Mrs. Juliet Holness and Mr. Phillip Paulwell and streamed via Facebook Live.

This project has been a true disaster, resulting in the development of sinkholes beneath many of the homes. Harbour Drive residents continue to have damages to their properties and face trauma as they live in constant fear each time it rains.

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The immense soil erosion created by the Mosaic Project
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One wall prior to collapsing
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53 Harbour Drive
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19 Harbour Drive